Account Creation Progress:

Complete the Guardian Profile below to create your account...

Important Please remember to select a strong password. This is private information.

If you do not know your Zoned School of Attendance, please visit EDULOG

Step #1
Fill out the form completely:

  1. Please ensure that you select the correct residency status. We will confirm the status.
  2. Employees please note your ID and Location Code.
  3. Your email address will be used for communication. Please whitelist our emails (add our address to your list of safe senders).

Step #2
Select the 'Create Account' button.

Parent/Guardian Information:
Address: (physical address required)

Telephone: (###-###-####)

Login Information:

Customer Service:

Union County Public Schools
400 N. Church Street
Monroe, NC 28112

General Enrollment Questions – Contact your School

(Find My Assigned School - Edulog) (Union County Public Schools - UCPS)


For Technical Support or Payment Issues, Contact:

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