General Information:
Welcome to Union County Public Schools online application system for School Enrollment, School Choice, Special Program Assignment (Dual Language Immersion, International, School or Arts, Early College, Health Sciences, Agrotechnology, CATA, Sustainable Energy) and Student Transfers!
New And Renewal Transfer Applications
New and Renewal Transfer Applications should only be initiated when the petition is to attend a school outside the assigned attendance area according to the petitioner’s current domicile.
When should a transfer application be initiated?
- When the educational, physical, mental, or emotional needs of the student cannot be fulfilled by any reasonable means within the present school assignment.
- The family’s residence changes during the school year and the new residence is in another school attendance zone, but the family wishes to complete the current school year at the now non-zoned, school in which the student is presently enrolled.
- If parent(s) or legal guardian(s) are building or acquiring a new home in a different UCPS attendance area than the one in which the student is now zoned, the parent may request a transfer to the new attendance area before the acquisition is complete. (Upon approve, parents will also need to complete a new Student Enrollment Application for the new school.)
- Full-time employees of UCPS may petition to transfer their child(ren) to any school within the district outside their current attendance zone.
- Any student who has a sibling assigned to a separate setting classroom through the Exceptional Children’s Program that is not in the student’s assigned attendance zone may petition to transfer to the school for which the Exceptional Children’s sibling has been assigned.
- Parents may apply for a transfer through lottery to any school whose population is no more than 85% capacity or for Special Program Schools with or without a defined attendance area.
- All transfers are only valid for the school year for which it was granted and reapplication must be made for the next school year.
For more information on Student Transfers, please visit UCPS Board Policy 4-13 – School Assignment HERE.
All applications will be checked for accuracy. Any falsification of information may result in your request not being processed, delayed and/or denied.
How to Videos:
*Please also note that this website is optimized for IE 10.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
Available for 2025-2026 School Year
School Choice Lottery 2025-2026
Sustainable Energy at Parkwood High School 2025-2026 (February 12, 2025 - March 9, 2025) -
Health Sciences at Monroe High School 2025-2026 (February 12, 2025 - March 9, 2025)
Agrotechnology (AgTech) at Forest Hills High School 2025-2026 (February 12, 2025 - March 9, 2025) -
Pre-K Scholars Application 2025-2026 (February 1, 2025 - March 15, 2025)
Available for 2024-2025 School Year
Additional Information:
- Transportation is NOT provided with the approval of a student transfer, school choice, special program assignments, or discretionary admission.
- A student transfer may be revoked for excessive absences or tardies, persistent inappropriate behavior, or if it is determined the transfer was granted or renewed based on false information submitted by the parent.
- There is NO guarantee of approval. From time to time some schools are "closed" to new transfers or discretionary admissions for capacity reasons. Additionally, your request will be denied if the school being sought does not contain the program necessary to meet your child's needs.
- You will receive emails from scribonline@scribsoft.com to notify you of the status of your order. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request.
This is an official application. The information contained on this online application should be considered private.
Important! If you do not know your Zoned School of Attendance, please visit EDULOG
Union County Public Schools
400 N. Church Street
Monroe, NC 28112
General Enrollment Questions – Contact your School
(Find My Assigned School - Edulog) (Union County Public Schools - UCPS)
For Technical Support or Payment Issues, Contact:
Scribbles Software
Email: help@scribsoft.com
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM